Director, Damon Gameau's lightning talk during the opening of LAST Conference 2019, explaining one of the solutions that he explores in his film 2040.
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Systems Thinking
Here at Tabar, we run an event called LAST Conference, with the “ST” standing for Systems Thinking. Systems Thinking is the study of how organized entities made up of interrelated and interdependent parts operate. Mostly, we think of this in terms of systems of organising work, but it’s so much more. For example, there’s no more complex, important, and fascinating system than our planet’s ecosystem.
Positive action
If you’ve been concerned about the current state of the discussion and level of action about environmental issues, especially climate change and global heating, you’d be forgiven for being a little disheartened.
In May, I went to the opening night of a film called 2040, that gave me a positive perspective on this issue. The film’s subject matter and possible solutions (e.g tech like self-driving vehicles and small scale solar) are very relevant to the Tabar, LAST Conference, and Spark the Change audience, so I just had to put this screening together to raise awareness that we can do something and to raise money for one of the solutions.
I hope to see you at the screening!
Thank you, Ed Wong, Tabar Director.
4 September 2019
6pm - 8:50pm
Hoyts Melbourne Central
The film will be followed by a panel/Q&A with Anna Kaplan (Producer) and Leigh Barnes (Intrepid Group), with a message from Damon Gameau, the film’s Director.
The screening is entry by donation. Funds will go to the Seaweed Regeneration project that is being supported by 2040 and The Intrepid Foundation. Funds matched, dollar for dollar by the Intrepid Group.
About 2040
2040 is an innovative feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important NOW. Award-winning director, Damon Gameau (That Sugar Film), embarks on a journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet, and shifted them into the mainstream.
Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary footage with dramatized sequences and high-end visual effects, to create a vision board for his daughter and the planet.
Why seaweed?
2040 is collaborating with The Climate Foundation, University of Tasmania and the Intrepid Foundation to help establish Australia’s first seaweed platform. It’s a technology that will restore eco-systems and could also capture large amounts of carbon.
In order to give as much of the proceeds to the Seaweed Regeneration project as we can, we need support from companies to cover the costs of screening the film.
Please contact us to be part of it. Tabar (with our LAST Conference and Spark the Change events) is co-ordinating.
Individuals who have made a contribution to the screening costs:
Andrew Blain
Why are you holding this screening?
In May, Ed from Tabar saw this film at the opening night of a film festival. The message that, despite negative coverage of the state of the discussion, politics and the practicalities of addressing the issue, there are things that we can apply right now. He felt that this was an important message and that he should do something to help others in the Tabar/LAST Conference/Spark the Change/Agile/Software and IT product company community, to see the film.
What is this screening raising money for?
This screening will benefit 2040 and the Intrepid Foundation's Seaweed Regeneration fundraising initiative. Together with The Climate Foundation and the University of Tasmania, 2040 and The Intrepid Foundation are supporting an innovative marine permaculture initiative aimed at regenerating kelp forests. The project will set up Australia's first seaweed platform – one of the key solutions to climate change featured in 2040 – off Tasmania's eastern coast.
Our donation will be matched by The Intrepid Group.
What aged children is this suitable for?
The film is rated "G". The Australian Council on Children in and the Media states that 2040 is suitable for children aged 4-15, however they also state:
"Suitable for all audiences but may lack interest for children under 8…Though it contains many important messages, children under the age of 8 may be bored by the documentary and find parts difficult to follow."
We would ask you that there is 1 accompanying adult for every 2 Under 18's.
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